Saturday, November 3, 2007

CARS Conference Day 3

Today started with a great breakfast provided by the conference. A full day of classes started for Vadim, Paul and myself in the VW class. Tons of great VW info!

A real fancy meal greeted the 6 students who made it to lunch. TC was unable to make it, Evan had to fly out early today and Lucky headed home in his new car!

We had a great time at lunch and as a bonus we got to witness Cliff's abilities to create modern art with some butter balls, table pepper and salad dressing. It was foul!

The afternoon class on new vehicle technologies was terrific. The Lexus with all it's collision avoidance radar and cameras is truly amazing!

The evening was capped off with a great light dinner and open bar which made some of the guys REAL happy.

Spent 2 hours weeding through all the junk collected at SEMA, AAPEX and CARS and now all packed and ready to go home in the AM. Can't wait to get the heck out of this place!

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