Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Today (after finding an even CHEAPER buffet) Paul and I headed out to the AAPEX show. We were just going to check it out for a little bit but next thing you know, we spent the whole day on just the upper floor. Most of the time was in the Tools & Equipment area.

We got to catch up with a few vendors we haven't seen in a while. We also purchased a cool data logger that plugs right into any vehicle's DLC connection. After 24 hours of driving time you hook it up to your PC via USB and all the data is right there. Only $70! We will be trying it out on the rental this evening.

We were planning to have dinner with Mike Shannon but this is his poker night and I get the feeling nothing stands in the way of that. We will try to catch up to him tomorrow evening.

Bruce seems to be buffet'd out so Paul and I are on our own. Terrible's buffet was only $4.99 for breakfast and $9.99 for dinner. As you probably know, Paul and I are very serious about our meals when we travel. Price and volume are of primary importance.

We only heard from some of the boys this afternoon. I think they were a little worn out as most were back in there rooms in the afternoon complaining about their feet. Man, I was tired today as well. Walking from 10am - 3:30pm was enough for me.

Tonight will be a long one as we (or I) am picking Jeff up at the airport but his flights does not come in until 11:48pm. This will be interesting considering it is Halloween and all.

I wish I had more pictures from today but cameras are evidently discouraged in AAPEX (who knew!) because of trade secrets and such so here is a view from the 18th floor of the Flamingo at 5:30pm.

Tomorrow starts the CARS Conference so everyone is planning to be there at least for the beginning. We all got our packets today so we can see the schedule but I know everyone wants to get back to SEMA at least one more time.

Greg said some of the guys saw the rock crawling competition today and it was cool. Also, Cliff and Galen drove the Tacoma test drive yesterday over the big hills. Some free Toyota promotional thing.

I guess Cliff had a rough day today however...something he ate. Had to take it easy but is finally able to eat again. OUCH!

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