Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Today (after finding an even CHEAPER buffet) Paul and I headed out to the AAPEX show. We were just going to check it out for a little bit but next thing you know, we spent the whole day on just the upper floor. Most of the time was in the Tools & Equipment area.

We got to catch up with a few vendors we haven't seen in a while. We also purchased a cool data logger that plugs right into any vehicle's DLC connection. After 24 hours of driving time you hook it up to your PC via USB and all the data is right there. Only $70! We will be trying it out on the rental this evening.

We were planning to have dinner with Mike Shannon but this is his poker night and I get the feeling nothing stands in the way of that. We will try to catch up to him tomorrow evening.

Bruce seems to be buffet'd out so Paul and I are on our own. Terrible's buffet was only $4.99 for breakfast and $9.99 for dinner. As you probably know, Paul and I are very serious about our meals when we travel. Price and volume are of primary importance.

We only heard from some of the boys this afternoon. I think they were a little worn out as most were back in there rooms in the afternoon complaining about their feet. Man, I was tired today as well. Walking from 10am - 3:30pm was enough for me.

Tonight will be a long one as we (or I) am picking Jeff up at the airport but his flights does not come in until 11:48pm. This will be interesting considering it is Halloween and all.

I wish I had more pictures from today but cameras are evidently discouraged in AAPEX (who knew!) because of trade secrets and such so here is a view from the 18th floor of the Flamingo at 5:30pm.

Tomorrow starts the CARS Conference so everyone is planning to be there at least for the beginning. We all got our packets today so we can see the schedule but I know everyone wants to get back to SEMA at least one more time.

Greg said some of the guys saw the rock crawling competition today and it was cool. Also, Cliff and Galen drove the Tacoma test drive yesterday over the big hills. Some free Toyota promotional thing.

I guess Cliff had a rough day today however...something he ate. Had to take it easy but is finally able to eat again. OUCH!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

SEMA Day 1

Paul and I got a decently early start this morning. We tried out the cheap buffet for breakfast at the dazzling Imperial Palace. At $9.99 for the buffet it is actually one of the cheapest on the strip. YUM! Our plan was to eat as much as possible thereby skipping lunch. We are not too excited about eating a $8 bad hot dog at the SEMA show. It worked, we made it to dinner...which was back at the buffet at the stunning Imperial Palace.

Anyhow, Paul and I got to SEMA at 9:30 and did not stop walking at all until we left at 5:30 pm. We did not sit down or even eat anything that whole time. We saw maybe 1/3 of the SEMA show and never made it to AAPEX. We were not there 30 minutes when we bumped into Boyd Coddington looking at wheels. Cool!

We spent over 1/2 the day just in the tires and wheels section! Many of the cool vehicles are selling just the wheels. Even in the tire areas you see real cool things like this little jem:

Yes that is a Tesla Roadster the famous all electric vehicle coming out in 2008. Faster than a Ferrari or Porsche, this could really be something. Jay Leno and Arnold have already ordered theirs. One of the reps was there and I got all my questions answered finally.

We met up with Kelsey who graduated in 2005. She hung with us for most of the afternoon. All the other students were with us off and on. Unfortunately, some of the guys did not get to bed last night until 5am so by the time they headed down to SEMA they missed half the day. I think they got some of the Vegas thrills out of their systems.

We caught up to Bruce towards the end of the day and made plans for all the students to gather for dinner. Everyone actually made it and all was full.

There were many cool sight today...

Paul seeing his first set of 30"

A fuel cell Fusion that went over 200mph at Bonneville

The fabulous Airel Atom using all HR Springs

Former student Stephanie who is now brass with HR springs. She is in charge of HR's events like the SEMA Show like the cool car pictured.

Monday, October 29, 2007


Paul, Greg, TC, Evan, Brad and myself all landed safely on the early flight. We were in the airport at 4pm headed to get our bags. TC had a "car" waiting for him. By the time we got on the tram to get the bags to catch the bus to get the rental car, we were done. Greg was hungry and complaining. Then we head out and hit ridiculous traffic on the strip. The oohs and aahs quickly turned into a bunch of whining!

By the time we got to the Flamingo and all checked in, 2 hours were was 6pm! Anyhow, after a little discussion the boys stuck with Paul and I and we headed out on the strip to find some eats.

A good dinner at the Outback and life is better. Greg, Brad and Evan were mesmerized by the tacky volcano eruption at The Mirage so we had to wait with all the Japanese tourist. Once it "blew", all agreed it was lame. Paul and I led them on a quick tour of the Venetian as we were there anyhow. Unbelievable until you see it.

Finally got a call from Vadim and said they were headed up to the counter to check in. We headed over to make sure all was good. Of course, Lucky was no where to be seen. He took another shuttle! He showed up eventually. Their flight was 2 hours late HAHA! After a few road bumps they got their room then they headed out to dinner and then to meet up with Brad, Greg and Evan. Us old guys went up to the room for the night...maybe

Ice Cream is calling me BAD!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Getting ready!

We are getting ready to close down the shop. There are a million little details but I think we will be able to pull it all together.

Most of the students took their money and credentials to SEMA but a few can't trust themselves. That means I get to be the grown-up and take them down for them.

I am sure it will turn out good as always but there is so many opportunities for screw-ups!